Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thoughts on Twenties

Lately, I have been reflecting on my 25 years of life. I have had ups and downs, trials and triumphs, happiness and sadness. Although I am not 80 years old yet, I have gone through many different experiences and accomplished a lot in my life thus far. And I am grateful for that.

I was recently looking at some old photos in my iPhoto application and stumbled across some amazing experiences I have had in my twenties so far - volunteering in India, attending BYU and having the time of my life, graduating from BYU, teaching tap dance, making some of my best friends, traveling to new places, and more. It made me realize how incredible your twenties are and how you should cherish them! I had a pivotal moment where I thought to myself, 'When else in my life will I do all of these amazing things?' I still have 5 more years to go, and I want to make them count. Who knows - babies will come(!), jobs will change, and other things in life will happen and before I know it I will be in my thirties. I want to look back when I'm 80 years old and know that I fully took advantage of my twenties.

I have decided that for the next 5 years (and really the rest of my life), I am going to take advantage of my younger years and live life to its fullest, travel with my husband, gain more knowledge, and follow my dreams. Because you only live in your twenties once!


  1. Cheers to being in our 20's! xoxo

  2. I love this Karly:) Thanks for a great reminder to live it up in our PRIME! Gorgeous photo.
