Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hello, Summer

This past weekend Dave and I were total bums. Sometimes it's nice to have weekends like that. We are always so busy and on-the-go that sometimes it's nice to relax every now and then. On Friday night, we went on a temple date and went to In N' Out after (I know, we are total Californians). Saturday was spent cleaning and running errands. Sunday we went to church, took naps, and got ready for the week. To be honest, we weren't very productive, but sometimes we just get burned out and want to sit on the couch and watch our favorite TV show.

I have been getting excited for summer lately and can't believe it is almost here. How are we halfway through the year already? Although the first day of summer is technically June 21st, I feel like it already started with this amazing beach weather we have had in LA the last few weeks.

Dave and I are finalizing some plans for the summer which I am excited about. We are due for a vacation, so that is definitely in the works! He has been very busy with work this past year and we both feel like we deserve a getaway.

Here's to summer plans and a great week ahead!

Image via Refinery 29


  1. I am all for the lazy weekends...although I never seem to find time for them... How does life manage to get so busy!?! When we finally live down there (because it's going to happen), we will have to plan a lazy Saturday, and you can come over in your pajamas :)

    1. I would love that. :) Hopefully you guys move down here sooner than later!
