Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer Endings

Where has this summer gone? I feel like it just started yesterday, and it's already September just like that! I can't believe how fast time flies. But I look back and we actually did a lot - New York, Lake Powell, weddings, and living it up in LA has kept us busy all summer long. And I am so not ready for it to end.

But part of me is excited and ready for a change. I love change. With Fall approaching, I look forward to having cooler weather, eating pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and wearing boots. Oh and I forgot to mention, college football will now take over our television.

What are you most excited for this coming Fall?

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about summer ending and all our fun weekend adventures being put on pause so Matt can study for the GMAT makes my heart hurt a little. But like you, I look forward to having some pumpkin treats. It will be just what I need console me in my moments of loneliness :)
